Thursday, June 16, 2022

Why do we scorn and scold?

Why do we disrespect, despise, and scorn some people?
Why do we rebuke, condemn and scold them?

Could it be that we are too proud of ourselves?
Do we think we are better than them - more knowledgeable than them?
Too arrogant and proud of our intelligence?

No matter how intelligent - talented, and accomplished we are - 
Still, some people will definitely be ahead of us.
And of course, some people will be behind us too.

But everyone is a human, just like us.
All are with body, mind, and spirit.
Everyone has intellect and knowledge according to their circumstances and background.
Everyone has the same consciousness and spirit.
No one is higher or superior to others.

Moreover - We all are on the path - trying to achieve our goals.
We are all victims of the same obstacles and distractions.
No one has a straight and clear path.
Everyone has to face some obstacles in their journey.

At one time or the other, some doubts arise in everyone's mind.
Everyone faces some disruptions - turmoil or restlessness at one point or the other.
Some distractions - some problems and nuisances are always there for everyone.

We are all bound by the same spiral loop.
We all are victims of attraction-repulsion, greed-temptation, affection-aversion, jealousy, attachment, ego, etc.
No one is better than the next person.  

So, instead of disdaining and scorning - be broad-minded and kind.
Express compassion. Help others if you can.

Share your knowledge and try to teach others what you know.
And if you find someone more advanced and evolved than you - 
try to learn from them.
Remember - 
We can always learn from anyone and everyone - if we are willing to.
                               ' Rajan Sachdeva '

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