Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Maya and Chhaya (Shadow) are Similar

      Maaya Chaayaa ek see - Birlaa jaanay koye
    Bhagtaan kay paachhay phiray - Sanmukh bhaagay soye

Sant Kabir Ji Maharaj says that Maya and Chhaya (shadow) - are the same - very similar.
Those who try to catch the shadow in front of them - the shadow moves further - it runs ahead of them.
And those who keep the shadow behind, the shadow itself starts following them.

In the same way, those who keep Maya in front - run after it all the time - Maya remains in front of them.
It never lets them be satisfied - their greed and longing always keep increasing.
And those, who give up Maya - renounce it - whose mind is absorbed in God's devotion, and Hari Sumiran - chanting and meditating - they automatically get wealth, prestige, position and power, etc.  
Even if they don't desire it, they still get it without any effort. 

But then - 
If we start doing Bhakti with only this desire in the mind that through devotion, we will get every happiness - everything in the world without any effort, then Guru Kabir ji warns us that Maya is very seductive - enchanting, and captivating. 
It allures and captivates in many different forms. 
It overwhelms and slowly conquers the mind. 
It does not die just by giving up wealth - Mohini Maya stays with everyone till the end. 
Sometimes in a gross form - sometimes in a subtle form - it always continues to deceive the mind.

               Kabir Maya Mohini - mangay milay na haath
               Manahi utaari jooth kar - laagi dolay Saath

Here Sant Kabir Ji Maharaj warns us that Maya is an amazing Mohini - a tremendous seductive attraction - appealing and alluring - it draws everyone like a magnet.
It does not come into the hands of those who run after it - meaning they are never satisfied - they keep desiring for more - and more.  

But on the other hand, those who renounce it - consider it worthless, temporary,  transitory, and fleeting - the Maya still continues to cling with them. It continues to follow them. To get them caught in its spiral web.

Those who distance themselves from it - renounce it -  the Maya continues to oscillate with them too in one form or the other - trying to attract them in some way - such as pride and ego of their Gyan and Bhakti - knowledge and devotion - austerity, renunciation, or position, prestige, power, etc.
If someone does not respect them - disrespects or disobeys them - if someone does not listen to them, they get angry.
The ego makes even great saints and sages sad or angry when they are disrespected or disobeyed.
Maya is such a powerful thing that captivates everyone - whether it is in the form of wealth and possessions - craving and greed - or subtle pride and ego.
'Dolay' means wandering - to swing, to dance - to attract.
Whether it is in the form of gross or subtle pride - Maya often keeps on flirting and fluttering with everyone.
            Sarpani tay oopar nahin baliyaa
            Jin Brahmaa Bisan Mahadeo chhaliya
                           (Kabir Ji - Gurbani page 740)
Kabeer ji says - Even Lord Brahmaa, Vishnu, and Mahadev got deceived by it.
Therefore, the Gyani and Bhakta - the devotees should thoroughly apprehend this Sookshm - the subtle form of Maya and try to avoid it.
                                        " Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Wonderful explanation on maya and shaya🙏🌹

  2. This is an awesome, magnimonous explanation of Maya. I believe Maya to be deception, evil, satanic etc...and yet when i read Satguru Kabirji he paints it differently. Maya is a necessity and integral part of the ' Lila '. Very good Respected Rajanji🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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