Friday, June 10, 2022

We see everything from our perspective

We see and judge everything from our own perspective. 

A picture of a few village women worshipping a dustbin - a trash can was posted and heavily publicized on a social media forum. 
Hundreds of people reacted and responded to it.

1. Most people said these were some foolish illiterate village women who were worshiping a dust bin - a trash can. 
Perhaps ignorantly or because of wrong and mistaken false beliefs. 
They laughed at their insensibility and ignorance. 

2. While some others viewed it from a different perspective. 
They said how wonderful it is that these women could see God in everything...even in a trash can. 
They said - if we claim that the whole universe and everything in it is a manifestation of God - 
    "Kan Kan me Bhagvaan hai" 
That God is there in every single particle of the universe -
then how can we laugh at those who can actually see God in everything, including a trash can? 

So it all depends on our perspective - how we look at things. 
We can appreciate everything and everyone -
We can try to understand everyone's feelings and respect them - 
Or we can find faults in everyone - and criticize them. 
                                                 ' Rajan Sachdeva ' 


  1. 👌🏼.Very true . Jaisy soch vaisi bhasha or dristi

  2. An excellent explanation on the subject 🙏🌹


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...