Saturday, June 11, 2022

Gareeb lehron pay pehray - The waves are imprisoned

Gareeb lehron pay pehray bithaaye jaatay hain
Samandaron ki talaashi koyi nahin letaa
                                         Waseem Barelvi

The waves are imprisoned and restricted - confined and forbidden.
No one probes into the mighty ocean. 

                       Synopsis/ Summery 

It's only the poor, weak, and helpless who are monitored, scrutinized and blamed for everything.
No one questions and investigates - No one challenges the doings of the rich and powerful people. 
They are free to say and do whatever they want.
They roam freely even after saying the most outrageous things - no one dares to touch them.

They can get away with everything, and the weak are always suppressed - governed and controlled. 
Their activities are supervised and restricted by the mighty leaders and superiors.  
Even their right to freedom of speech is denied. 
Their every word and activity is monitored and all kinds of restrictions are imposed on them and their right to express themselves is taken away.

Whereas the powerful people, because of their social and political power, remain untouched even after committing the biggest crime.
These few powerful people keep roaming freely and doing arbitrarily - doing whatever they want by repressing others.

The waves are imprisoned and restricted - limited and forbidden.
And no one dares to investigate the mighty ocean.


  1. Thanks very much Rev. Rajan Jì and it’s very true Jì.

  2. Very impressive thoughts

  3. Disparities exist in the society.....sad reality of life ...Religion Unites...never divided but still poor people do not get respect.... 🙏🙏

    1. True -- but the problem is that only one type of people believe in this ideology that Religion Unites...never divided
      and unfortunately, it does not work if it's one-sided only

    2. well said - you are right ji

  4. Very nice lines and very deep and meaningful thoughts.

  5. Very true 🙏❤️🌺

  6. True 👍🙏🏻


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...