Monday, June 13, 2022

What is Moha - Attachment and How to get rid of it

Three questions usually pop up in our minds.
What is Moha - the Attachment?
Why is it wrong? 
How to get rid of it?

Moha or attachment is an inbuilt emotion - a sentiment many species have - especially mammals and birds. 
Humans seem to have more than other species. 

It's a natural inbuilt feeling - a sense that helps us to survive as species.
Without Moha, no one would want to take care of their offspring. 
No one will take care of the infants or children - 
nor the aging, sick, and dying parents if they do not have any attachment with them. 
We need Moha - we need to have some attachment. 
Nature gave it to us for some reason.
Whatever Nature or God has provided us has some purpose behind it.

However, over-attachment is what brings suffering. 
There is time for attachment, and there is time to let it go. 
The problem occurs when we are unable to let it go.
We become possessive of what we have or what we want to have. 
We become so attached to the things we want to have that we can not think of anything else. 
And if we get it, we want to hold on to it forever - and we become sad and disheartened when it does not.

Therefore, the scriptures warn us of the Moha - the attachment. 

But often, we take everything literally and think that we should not have any Moha at all. 
Which is not even possible for a sensible, sane human being. 
It is a natural inclination that we all are born with and need for survival.

When the scriptures say Moha is the cause of suffering, it should be understood as over-attachment and possessiveness. 
There comes a time when we need to let it go.
We also need the wisdom to know when it is time to let it go. 

Another thing to consider is that attachment and expectations go hand in hand. 
And again, it is natural to have some expectations also - from others as well as from ourselves. 
Parents, children, leaders, followers, teachers, students, Gurus, and disciples - all have some kind of expectations from each other. 
Nothing can be done without setting a goal or having some type of expectation.

It's the over-attachment - possessiveness, and over-expectations that cause suffering. 
We must watch ourselves and see that we do not become over-attached and possessive of anything and anyone. 
We must watch and see that our expectations from everyone, including from ourselves, are sensible and reasonable.

Nevertheless, these are my views, and some people may not agree with this.
But, I believe that the ideology has to be practical and doable - 
that can be followed, not by a few selected ones - but by everyone in their day-to-day life.
                                           '  Rajan Sachdeva ' 


  1. Very elaborately explained 🙏🌹

  2. True - ideology has to be practical

  3. Nice and clear explanation on Moha or over-attachment!
    I would also like to highlight a couple points you mentioned briefly:
    1. "Whatever Nature or God has provided us has some purpose behind it." Makes a lot of sense. Instead of denying or suppressing what Nature or God has provided us, we should understand it and use it wisely.
    2. "I believe that ideology has to be practical and doable - that can be followed, not by a few selected ones - but by everyone in their day-to-day life." Again, ideology without practical application would not be of help to anyone. Ideology that is universally applicable and benefits everyone makes much more sense.
    Thank you for your words of wisdom.

  4. 🙏🏼 Well explained...


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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