Monday, June 27, 2022

Those who talk about my mistakes - Jo kartay tumsay hamaari buraiyan

Baday aitmaad aur tanz-o-mazaah say
Jo kartay hain tum say hamaari buraaiyaan 

Miltay hain jab aa kay ham say vo 'Rajan'
To kartay hain ham say tumhaari  buraaiyaan

With confidence - sarcasm, satire, and humor

Those who talk to you about my mistakes and follies.

The same people, when they come to me - 

with the same zeal and enthusiasm - 

they tell me about all your blunders and follies.  


There are people, who just love to gossip. 

They love to spread rumors. 

When they hear about some faults, flaws, or follies of some people, they enjoy talking about them - 

and without bothering to check the authenticity, they start spreading them around. 


Be assured that those who talk to you ill about others, 

must be talking badly about you to them too.

                                                           'Rajan Sachdeva ' 

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Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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