Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Into darkness they enter who follow.....Ishopanishad

Andham Tamah Pravishanti Ye Vidyaam Upaasatay
Tato Bhuyaa Eva Tay Tamo, Ya Ou Vidyaam Rataah 
                                       (Ishopanishad Verse 9)

                          Anvaya (Rearranging of the words)
Ye Vidyaam Upaasatay - Tay Andham Tamah Pravishanti 
Ye Ou Vidyaam Rataah - Tay Bhuyaah Tamah Iva Pravishanti 

"Into blind darkness, they enter who follow after the Ignorance. 
They into greater darkness who devote themselves to the Knowledge alone."

Those who follow the ignorance - 
who simply follow the rituals and dogmas ignorantly, 
without understanding the Gyan, the Reality - 
will always stay in darkness.

And yet - those who devote themselves to the Knowledge alone - 
without applying it - 
without experiencing the Truth themself -
will enter into even greater darkness. 

Because the Truth, which is not practical - not applied and experienced is no good to anyone. 
We can preach and talk about the high ideals all day long 
But the doctrine - the Truth and ideology that is not practical can not be beneficial and fruitful to anyone. 

As the Bhagavatam says:
               Shravnam - Mananam - Smarnam
Listen - acquire the Gyana, the knowledge 
Analyze - understand it properly 
Remember - that is to experience and apply the Gyan. 
                                                    '  Rajan Sachdeva ' 

                         अन्धं तमः प्रविशन्ति येऽविद्यामुपासते।
                        ततो भूय इव ते तमो, य उ विद्यायां रताः ॥


  1. wonderful thoughts 🙏🌹

  2. Forgive me for asking this:
    I agree that doctrine and ideology needs to be practical in order to be of use. But Truth in the absolute sense is the basis for everything, whether practical or not.
    Whether the fish in the ocean is swimming in it or is still, the ocean is the basis of its existence.
    Please share your thoughts further to clarify this.

    1. Thank you for your comment and intake on this topic.
      First of all - what I said was a reference to the context of the following phrase from the Ishopanishad:
      "those who devote themselves to the Knowledge alone -
      without applying it - without experiencing the Truth themself - will enter into even greater darkness.
      I added:
      "The Truth, which is not practical - not applied and experienced is no good to anyone.
      We can preach and talk about the high ideals all day long ............."
      Perhaps I was not able to explain it clearly.
      What I was trying to say is -
      that Gyan has to be experienced and applied.
      It may not be beneficial if it's not practical - meaning not practiced in life.
      It's not about the absolute Truth -
      it's about us - using the knowledge of the Absolute Truth.
      It's not about the ocean, the base -
      it's about the fish.
      It's not about God that is the basis of everything - it's about us - if we are restless, uneasy, and agitated -
      or content and peaceful by applying the Gyan.
      Thanks again for your input.

    2. Thank you for clarifying

  3. Wonderful Jì 🙏🙏


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...