Friday, June 17, 2022

हँसने का दिल न हो तो... Have to Smile

 हँसने का दिल न हो तो भी हँसना पड़ता है 
पूछे कोई हाल तो "अच्छा हूँ "  कहना पड़ता है 

Hansnay ka dil na ho to bhi hansnaa padtaa hai 
Poochhay koyi haal to "Achha hoon"  kehnaa padtaa hai 

Have to smile - even if we don't want to - 
Because sometimes, the circumstances may not be quite favorable. 
And yet - when people ask - "how are you?"
 'I am fine - is our usual reply. 


  1. This is what I have also been saying that it has become a norm to say that I am fine in response to how are matter whatever deep problems you may be in..
    Probably if you say I am not don't want to enter into another discussion...
    Dnjee.. Ashok

    1. You are right Ashok ji --
      but also - when people ask " how are you? it's just a formality - They don't really mean it.
      and if you say I have a problem, they will right away come up with some excuse for not being in a position to help.

  2. bilkul theek hai ji

  3. Life is a series of adjustments.🙏

  4. Hale dil Hamse sunaya na gya..

  5. Bilkul right hai ji mahapurso ji💐💐🙏🙏


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...