Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Knowledge and Humility

Knowledge and Humility - Vidya and Vinayam
Both are important to succeed.

A car mechanic needs the knowledge to fix a car 
and his good behavior will bring him more customers. 

Teachers and Gurus must have the knowledge of their subject -
and their humility will bring them more students and disciples -
and instill more reverence for them in the hearts of disciples.  
Leaders need to have the vision to lead their followers 
but it's their attitude and behavior that brings them more followers and retains them. 

Knowledge and Humility - Vidya and Vinayam - are not Either-Or 
It's not a question of choosing one or the other. 
Both are important to achieve success in life.

However, if we do not have enough knowledge -
then humility - modesty and humbleness will make us wish to learn more - 
to put some effort into gaining more knowledge - 
and the knowledgeable people will be happily willing to teach us what they know. 

On the other hand, knowledge without humility can make us arrogant - 
rude, impolite, and disrespectful -
which will eventually push people away from us. 

Therefore, to achieve success in life, 
it is necessary to choose and adopt knowledge and humility - 
not one of the two - but both.
                                              ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues....

  2. Bahut he sunder bachan ji.🙏

  3. very well written


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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