Thursday, June 9, 2022

Reply to a comment on - "More the knowledge, lesser the Ego"

Received a comment on the blog that was posted earlier with a quote from Albert Einstein:
   "More the knowledge, lesser the Ego"

One reader commented:
       " This is absolutely wrong - people with knowledge have more ego"

Perhaps this esteemed reader is looking at the people who are overly proud of their knowledge - 
who claim to be knowledgeable - that they know everything. 

However, according to the Upanishads - the ancient Hindu Scriptures:
                 "One who claims I know- knows not"

The one who claims to be a Gyani - all-knowing and Wise - is not wise at all. 
Because the more you know - the more you know, how less you know. 
You realize that there is still so much more to know - to be learned. 

The so-called religious people often claim that they know everything.
While the scientists, scholars, and the real Gyanis only explain what they know from their observations and experience and admit that there is still so much more to learn - that there is so much more they do not know yet. 

The Hindu Scriptures proclaim:
                 विद्या ददाति विनयं - Vidyaa Dadaati Vinayam
Meaning: Gyana - the pure knowledge makes you humble.

If it does not - then it can mean one of the two things - 
Either they do not have sufficient knowledge 
Or they have not understood it properly, nor applied it.

A simple criterion - a simple measure of the knowledgeable people is the level of their humility. 
The more knowledgeable they are, the more humble they will be.

There is another saying in Hindi:
        थोथा चना बाजे घना - Thothaa Chanaa Baajay Ghanaa
The empty vessel makes more noise. 
When it is filled, it becomes silent. 
                                    ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Thanks for sharing an excellent quotes 🙏🙏

  2. Absolutely correct

  3. Absolutely correct

  4. I really impressed with your explanation🙏🙏I agree with you hundred percent. I met with one university professor who was awarded many medals and awards. He was so humble🙏🙏

  5. Dnj it is very true , Einstein also said what ever we have learned so far is equal to tiny grain of sand on sea shore. Usually ego comes when one feels the sense of perfection but one becomes humble when the realization sets in that so much still needs to be known and to be learned.
    As Baba gurbachan Ji said
    Ji samjhe ki mein sikh gayaa
    Samjho vo sikh gayaa
    That disciple or learner or shishya is on path of becoming egoistic.
    If we look at from all the dimensions this phrase itself has lot more to say which can’t be put into the words.

  6. Very well explained


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...