Saturday, June 25, 2022

Two Forms of Maya - Gross and Subtle

Maya has two forms.
Sthool Maya - Solid, Broad, or Gross Maaya
And the second is Sookshm - Subtle.

Sthool or Gross Maya means Land, wealth, property and possessions, etc.
And Sooksham - subtle Maya means egoism - pride and ego of honor, position, prestige, wealth and property, etc.

Sadhguru Kabir ji says:
              Moti Maya sab tajen- jheeni taji na jaaye 
              Peer Paighambar Auliya - Jheeni sab ko khaaye

Means - it is not hard to renounce the Moti or gross Maya. 
Anyone can give it up by trying - by working hard and practicing.
But it is not so easy to give up the subtle - minute unpretentious Maya - that is, egoism.
It is extremely hard to let go of the subtle Maya of egoism.

Kabeer ji says even the Peers-Prophets, enlightened Gyani-Dhyani, Guru, and Rishi-Munis could not escape from the clutches of this subtle Maya.

It has often been seen that they also have subtle pride or ego in their knowledge, renunciation, abstinence, and austerity.
Some are proud of their Gyan - their knowledge, 
and some are proud of their Bhakti - their devotion.
Some people are even proud of their humility - of their soft nature.
I have heard some famous and beloved great saints saying:
"You will not find a more humble person than me anywhere in the world."
Obviously, they were proud of their humility.

Saint Tulsidas also writes in Ramcharit Manas -
         "Aeso ko jag me jan naahin
         Prabbhutaa paaye jaahin mad naahin"
That there is no one in the world who does not develop ego - does not become proud after getting some authority, position, prestige, and honor.

Sant Kabir ji further says -
                 Jheeni maaya jin taji - Moti jaaye bilaaye
                 Aese Jan kay nikat say sab dukh gaye hiraaye

Means - the one who has recognized and renounced the subtle Maya, then the gross Maya automatically gets released.

For one who doesn't have the subtle pride and ego in his mind - his position, prestige and wealth, etc., do not become a hindrance for him.
Despite having wealth and prestige, he can walk on the path of Bhakti unhindered - and attain liberation.
Even others can also benefit from the company of such saints.

Recognizing such saints - staying close to them, and being in their company can gradually help us develop those qualities in ourselves as well.
And we can get relief from the misery we suffer because of the ego.
Because the ego is like a thorn in the foot - 
until it is pulled out, it keeps on pricking - 
it keeps on hurting and does not let us walk and move forward.
                                     'Rajan Sachdeva '

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