Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Waiting for the Right Time?

If we continue to wait for the Right Time - 
we might wait our entire life - 
and yet, we may never find the Right Time to do anything good. 


  1. A much needed blog. Whenever i am in some confusion I open your blog on that topic and read, it helps me in decision making everytime.🙏

    1. Thank you Gaurav ji - It's good to know that somewhere someone is finding these blogs helpful - it makes me feel worthwhile and blessed 🙏

  2. But Guru ji what about the divine timing? Sometimes we try so hard to do something but it just doesn’t happen, and after some it just happens with no effort, isn’t it because of the divine timing of the God?

    1. There are some things that are in our hands - in our control - many times we do have a choice of doing or not doing - The outcome may not be in our control - that depends on many factors.
      My point was that if we want to do some good then we should not wait - we should do it.

  3. That is why we say kal kare so aaj kar , aaj kare so ab, palmen pralay hoyegi , bahuri karega kab

    1. Aaj kare so kal kar, kal kare so parson,
      Itni jaldi kya hai bande, jab jeena hai barson !

    2. Aaj kare so kal kar, kal kare so parson,
      Itni jaldi kya hai bande, jab jeena hai barson !


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...