Friday, June 23, 2023

Rehnaa Nahin Des Biraanaa hai - Kishori Amonkar ji

Kishori Amonkar ji - One of the most renowned classical Singer 

Rehnaa nahin Des Biraanaa hai 
Ye sansar Kaagaz ki Pudiya Boond paday gal jaanaa hai  
Ye Sansar Kaantay ki baadi - Ulajh Ulajh Mar jaanaa hai  
Ye Sansaar Jhaad aur Jhankhad - Aag lagay Jar jaanaa hai 
Kehat Kabeera Suno Bhai Saadho - Satguru Naam Thikaanaa hai 
                              || Satguru Kabeer ji ||

                         English Translation 

This is an alien country - a transient place - not to stay forever.  
It is not meant to last forever.
This world is like a piece of paper - it dissolves with a few drops of water. 
This world is like a bush of thorns in which people get entangled - get lost and die. 
This world is like a bush - which gets burnt when the fire starts and turns to ashes. 
Kabir ji says - listen, my good brothers -
The Naam or Gyan, given by the Satguru is the final destination.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...