Sunday, June 4, 2023

Law of Nature

It's a principle of nature
        that whatever you give - 
                      whatever you offer - 
will come back to you
whether it is wealth, respect, or honor - 
                or hatred or love.


  1. Tru....akin to adage "Love begets Love" & it's scientific also. As per Newton law of Attraction....."Actions and Reactions are equal & opposite" Jaisa karogae, vaisa bharogae......

  2. You reap what you sow.

  3. It is true .but we do not know how and when the results are seen. For every action there' are 2 results. 1. Drishta phal that which you see now and 2. Adrishta phal which you do not know how where and when you will see. It could be in the future lives if we belive in karma theory.

  4. Dear Rajan ji. What an amazing Theory/Hypothesis, we grew up believing. However, if you consider all of the data available to humanity, analyze it carefully, experiment with it and look at the evidence, we realize it works at times and doesn't work at other times. Infact, one of best case scenarios is ourselves. If something bad or outrageous happens to us, we ask "why did this happen to me when I didn't to anything bad to others?" This Pandemic brought about many examples for us. Hence, it remains a Theory, but nevertheless, a beautiful one, which has become part of our lives. We shall continue to do Good as per our value systems given to us by our Parents and Satguru. Love and respect to what you're doing for the community. Thank you ji 🙏🏻

  5. Law of nature cannot be changed 🌹🌹

  6. When the bird is alive it eats ants and when the bird is dead, ants eat the bird.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...