Monday, June 26, 2023

Treat the Elders Gently - Saleekay say pesh aayaa karen

      Zaraa Saleekay say pesh aayaa karen Buzurgon say
      Ek din ye Vqat sab pay aanay waalaa hai 
Always treat the elders gently - 
Courteously, politely, and appropriately. 
Sooner or later - 
   Everyone is going to reach that stage in their own life as well.

Whatever we do today, the same will happen to us tomorrow.
We will reap the fruits of the seeds we sow today.
Therefore, always try to sow good seeds.
                    " Rajan Sachdeva " 

ذرا سلیقے سے پیش آیا کریں بزرگوں سے 
ایک دن یہ وقت سب پے آنے والا ہے 


  1. Very good advice to remember 🌹🌹

  2. Very good advice to remember 🌹🌹

  3. Very true advice Rajan Sahib


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...