Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Left behind are those who ...

Har shai pay hota hai jag mein vaqt ka saaya 
Kaun hai jo vaqt kee zad mein nahin aaya 
Vaqt kay sang chalnay mein hee khair hai 'Rajan'
Reh gayaa jo vaqt kay sang chal nahin paaya 
                           " Rajan Sachdeva " 

Everything in the world is under the shadow of time.
There is no one who does not come under the impact of time.
It is better to walk with the time 
Left behind are those who can not keep up with the times.
Everything in the world is affected by time
Everything and everyone changes with time. 
Time takes everyone from childhood to youth - and from youth to old age.
With time comes new tools and equipment - new technologies.
When times change, new laws are introduced - 
New customs are adopted in society.
Those who do not change themselves with time are usually left behind.

Generally, parents and older people do not want to change with the changing times. 
Therefore, disagreements and conflicts often arise between the old and the new generation. 
Distance is created in the hearts - 
Bitterness enters the relationships - 
Conflicts and feelings of separation start arising in the families.
Therefore - if peace is to be maintained in families and society, then it is better to move with time.
                        ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. To keep apace with times is the mantra for "Live and let others live too"

  2. Waqt kee saath chalna zaroori hai aadami ke liye.waqt rukta nahin kise ke liye.

  3. Exactly. Moving with the time is wisdom.

  4. Please pray for me so that I can change with time 🌹🌹

  5. Interesting concept , yes so true 🙏


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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