Sunday, June 18, 2023

Before taking any important decision

    Kah Kaalah, Kaani Mitraani, Ko Deshah Ko Vyayaagmo
    Kasya Aham, Kaa cha may Shaktih - Iti Chintayam Muhurmuhu

Before taking any important decision or action, one should always consider the following questions. 
How are the circumstances - how is the situation around 
   - is it favorable or not? 
Who are our friends? 
       How many are there?
       Will they come forward to help and support when needed?
How is the situation in the country? 
     The law & order condition - rules and regulations - restrictions and constraints, etc. 
What's in the pros and cons?
What are the things for and against me?
      What resources do I have and don't have? 
Who am I? What are my strengths?
All these things must be considered before making any important decision or taking a significant step. 

In other words:
In order to succeed, we must correctly assess and evaluate our own potential as well the strength of the opponent. 


  1. Very Valuable lessons, Thanks for Sharing ji 🙏

  2. Rightly said. S(strength) W(weakness) O(opportunities) T(threats) is the strategy to unlock the way to success.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...