Friday, June 30, 2023

Maaya Mahaa Thagni ham jaani - The Greatest illusive Power

Maaya Mahaa Thagnee ham jaani
Tirgun phaans liye kar dolay bolay Maadhuri Baani

Keshav ki Kamlaa ban baithi - Shiv kay bhavan Bhavaani
Pandaa kay Moorat ban baithi - Teerath mein bhayi Paani

Yogi kay Yogan ban baithi - Raaja kay ghar Raani
Kaahu kay heera ban baithi - kaahu kay kaudi kaani

Bhaktan ki bhagatin ban baithi - Brahmaa ki Brhmaani
Kahay Kabeer suno bhayi Saadho yeh sab Akath kahaani
                                       " Satguru Kabeer ji "

We found that - 
Maya is the most incredible illusive power - the most sumptuous deceptive force.
It traps everyone with its threefold illusive nature and sweet ways.
It takes the form of Kamlaa (Lakshmi) with Keshav (Lord Vishnu) 
and Bhavaani in Lord Shiv's dwelling. 

It sits as the Murti - an object, a book, an idle, or an image with the priests in religious places - 
and the holy water in the pilgrimage.

As the queen in the king's house - and yogini of the yogi.
It's Diamonds for the rich and rags for the poor.

Brahmaani for Brahma - And desires for devotees.

Says Kabir, listen, my brothers, this is the untold true story.
                          "Sadhguru Kabir Ji"

Sadguru Kabir Ji says that -
this Maya is an extremely powerful deceiver -
It takes the form of Lakshmi to allure Lord Vishnu
And poses as Bhavaani to trick Lord Shiva.
She becomes Brahmani to deceive Lord Brahma.

The rich are bound by their fascination with diamonds and pearls.
However, even poor people can not abandon the attachment of their two paise - whatever small assets they might have. 

Maya allures the Bhaktas  - devotees for rewards.
The desire to get something or the other always remains in the mind of the devotees.

Sant Kabir ji says this is an untold true story -  
Every living being is bound in the bondage of Maya.

According to Sant Kabir ji - any living being who is in a physical form - even if it is Brahma, Vishnu, or Mahesh -
in some form or the other, they get eluded by the spells of Maya.
                                                " Rajan Sachdeva "


Discussion vs Argument рдЪрд░्рдЪा рдмрдиाрдо рдмрд╣рд╕

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...