Monday, January 16, 2023

Science vs Religion & Dharma

For centuries, there has been a clash between Science and Religion in the western world. 
Socrates and Galileo Galilei are famous examples of this clash. 
The scientific and advanced philosophical ideas of Socrates were considered disrespectful to religion. He was accused of impiety - a criminal charge in ancient Greece for the blasphemy and mockery of holy objects - irreverence & disrespect towards the state Gods. He was sentenced to death.

Galileo's theory of Copernican heliocentrism (Earth rotating daily and revolving around the Sun) was met with opposition from the Church. The matter was investigated by the Roman court, which concluded that his theory was absurd and heretical since it contradicted Bible - the Holy Scripture.
Galileo was found vehemently suspect of heresy and was forced to recant - to reject his own theory and repent. 
He spent the rest of his life under house arrest.

However, this was not the case in Eastern Religions called Dharma. 
The word Dharma is usually - and mistakenly translated as Religion in English though the meaning of both words is not the same*. 
The Rishis, or the sages of ancient India, were scientists also. They were constantly doing research on both - the inner and the outer worlds - the universe and the consciousness. They were encouraged and monetarily supported by the kings and rulers of their times.
Dharma and Science - Gyan and Vigyan - were considered not opposite but complementary to each other.
Vigyan was about knowing the outer, physical world, while Dharma was the way of life and understanding the inner world of consciousness through Gyana - the wisdom to differentiate between Real and Unreal.  

But later, somehow, perhaps with the external influence, things changed. 
Dharma lost its real meaning and was converted more into a religion or a cult. 
The priests of the newly formed religious sects and cults began to put the scientists, scholars, and all intellectuals down. 
The self-centered priests of the so-called Dharma started to claim that they know everything there is to be known. 
They claim that only they can - and have done more for the world than scientists and intellectuals. 
But the funny thing is that they also use and depend upon the discoveries and the gadgets and devices made by scientists. 
They claim they can cure any ailment or disease. But when they or their close family members get sick, they quickly run to find the best doctors available. 

All this happens when we think of science and Dharma as contrary and opposite.
When we start claiming that one is better than the other. 
When we claim that one is more beneficial and has done more for the world and humanity. 
It's a play of ego - more so on the part of the leaders of the so-called Dharma and religions. 

However, when we think of science and Dharma as two different fields that are not opposite but complementary to each other - there is no clash.
Science works to make our physical and worldly life better and more comfortable - while Dharma helps us to attain inner peace by understanding the 'self - the mind - mental faculties, and consciousness. 
Both have their own benefits - both can and have helped humanity in their own ways and will keep doing so in the future. 
However, we need to understand the true meaning of Dharma and use it properly and honestly for our own well-being and the well-being of others. 
Scientists, researchers, and scholars are already doing what they can to make our life comfortable - without claiming that they are doing a favor to humanity and without asking for any personal obligation from people.
If Dharm-Pracharaks and religious leaders can also do the same - do the good work of teaching how to attain inner peace - without being egotistic about their works. Without claiming and acting like only they know everything and only they can help humanity. 
If they stop condemning and putting the scholars and intellectuals down and give them their due respect, there will be no clash.

Understand that Dharma is not a set of dogmas or rituals. 
It's a way of life - an inner and personal adherence - dedication and commitment to live a simple, honest and amicable life that can bring peace to us and everyone else around us. 
                                " Rajan Sachdeva "

* Please see -  What is Dharma?


  1. Skattar Sandhu
    I am impressed with in depth analysis of both Dharma and science🌹🌹🌹

  2. 🙏Excellent clarification ji.🙏

  3. Well laid out finer line of distinction between Science based upon O(observation); V(verification) ;P(practice) logical plank and Dharma based upon similar one despite of being subjective in nature.

  4. Science and Spirituality always have been complementary to each other. One who understands in true spirits only can understand. You are right in saying that Science has been doing its business for new innovations quietly to make outer world comfortable without making any specific comment to spirituality but certain religious group or cult has chosen the path to show science down in order to impress and gain the attention of their followers. It's quiet interesting to observe that wherever such sermons are delivered, those places have Airconditioners, Lighting,Fans, CCTV Cameras, Water coolers,Pumps etc .... all gifts of science to mankind. Infact scientists doing research works more in "Nishkaam Bhav" the word used in Spirituality. Thanks Rajan Jee .. for this topic close to my heart


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