Friday, January 6, 2023

Sumiran may man lagtaa nahin - Can not Concentrate

Hasraton ka bojh lay kar baithtay hain dhyaan mein
Aur shikaayat bhi hai ye - Sumiran may man lagtaa nahin 

Baandhnaa mushkil hai is ko - daudtaa hai har ghadi
Man vo chanchal panchhi hai jo ik jagah tiktaa nahin 

Man bharaa hai kaam' say to - Raam kaisay aayengay
Ik bharay bartan me 'Rajan' aur kuchh padtaa nahin  
                                 " Rajan Sachdeva "

Kaam      =  Desires, Lust, Passions, etc.

We often sit in meditation while carrying the burden of worries and desires. 
And then we complain that we can not concentrate on Sumiran - on meditation.

It is difficult to tie it - it constantly runs every moment
The mind is like a fickle bird that never stays in one place

If the mind is full of worldly desires - greed, lust, and ego - then how can Lord come into it?
O' Rajan - Nothing else can be added to a pot that is already full.
                                " Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Rev. Rajan j. Thanks for sharing this wonderful reality of life. Keep on blessing

  2. So true!
    Please provide remedy also uncle ji!

  3. Beautiful !
    Great thought !

  4. I agree hundred percent with you 🌹🙏

  5. I agree hundred percent with you 🌹🙏


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...