Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Chaahat milnay kee ae Dilbar

Chaahat milnay kee ae dilbar Tujh ko bhi hai mujh ko bhi 
Bandhan duniyadaari ka par Tujh ko bhi hai mujh ko bhi

Sapnon ka ye mehal nahin hai - jeevan itnaa sehal nahin 
Fikr-e-farda dil mein aakhir Tujh ko bhi hai mujh ko bhi

Dil mein hasrat - shan-o-shauqat, shohrat, aish-o-ishrat kee
Banglaa, gaadi, achhaa sa ghar - Tujh ko bhi hai mujh ko bhi

Dhan daulat pad aur haqoomat fard-zameen-o-zewar zar 
Gyaan, ki ye sab kuchh hai nashvar, Tujh ko bhi hai mujh ko bhi

Maaya thagini kadam kadam par sab ka man har leti hai 
Moh maaya kaa Ankush man par Tujh ko bhi hai mujh ko bhi

Kya khoya hai kya paaya hai - kya hai theek, galat hai kya 
Duvidha man mein rehti aqsar Tujh ko bhi hai mujh ko bhi

Jeevan mein sukh duhkh ka anubhav Tujh ko bhi hai mujh ko bhi 
Chubhtaa hijr-o-gam ka nashtar - Tujh ko bhi hai mujh ko bhi

Main hee Rab hoon - main hee sab hoon - kehnaa hai 'Rajan' aasaan 
Lekin dil mein marnay ka dar - Tujh ko bhi hai mujh ko bhi
                                         " Rajan Sachdeva " 

                           Meaning of some Urdu/Hindi words
Sehal                 = Simple, Easy
Fikr-e-Fardaa = Worry of tomorrow, Fear, apprehension of the future 
Shan-o-Shaukat  =  Pride, Pomp & Show
Shohrat            = Fame 
Aish-o-Ishrat  =  Luxury
Fard                 = Individual, Person (Also as in Workers, Members, Followers, etc) 
Zar                    = Gold, Silver, Diamonds, etc.
Nashvar          =  Perishable, Subject to decay, Impermanent, Transitory  
Moh-Maaya    =  attachment and delusion
Hijr                   = Separation
Nashtar            =   Small knife, a sharp thorn 

                                    English Translation 

The desire of meeting, O' beloved - you have too - and I have too.
The bondage of worldly customs & traditions - you have too - and I have too.

This is not a palace of dreams - Life is not that easy
After all - the worry for tomorrow - apprehension of the future - you have too - and I have too.

The desire and urge to have respect, pride, fame, wealth, luxury,
Bungalow, car, and a good house - you have too - and I have too.

Wealth, position, power, properties, assets, servants, followers, gold, etc.
The knowledge that all are perishable - you have too - and I have too. 
                           (Yet you and I, both want it)

At every step, the illusive Maya lures everyone's mind.
The mighty hold of Moh-Maaya over mind - you have too - and I have too.
             (Then what is the difference between me and you?)

What have I lost - what have I  gained - what is right & what is wrong
Often, this dilemma in mind - you have too - and I have too.

Experience of happiness and sorrow in life - you have too - and I have too.
The pricking of the thorn of separation and sadness - you have too - and I have too.

I am God - and All I am - it's easy to say and believe
But fear of dying in the heart - you have too - and I have too.
                                                     " Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Very good poem with deep spiritual meaning 🌹🌹

  2. Kya baat hai AWESOME

  3. Beautiful thoughts so nicely put together

  4. Lovely, and so honest. Thank you for sharing your art Uncle ji❤️ -Aaron


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