Sunday, January 22, 2023

Peaceful Mind

Mind, in its natural state - that is, without the crowd of scattered thoughts - is always peaceful. 
Uncontrolled scattered thoughts are like a driverless vehicle running at a fast speed - without any destination to reach. 
It can crash if not controlled. 
That's why we have brakes in vehicles -  so we can slow down or stop it if and when needed. 

Similarly, if the mind starts running in unwanted directions - away from the desired destination, we need to put brakes on it to stop or to slow it down.
Having control over the mind is the most significant step towards achieving the aim of liberation. 
Though extremely difficult, it is the most crucial and essential part of the spiritual journey. 
Bhagavad Geeta, Upanishads, and Gurbani - all talk about controlling and conquering the mind. 
Buddha also said: "It is better to conquer your mind than to win a thousand battles". 
                            'Man Jeetay Jag Jeet'
The one who becomes the master of his mind becomes the master of the world - and attains peace and liberation.
                                   " Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Replies
    1. I know Gaurav ji that losing a loved one is indeed upsetting and disturbing but nevertheless, we have to accept the situation and continue our own journey towards our destination. 🙏

  2. Very true ji. It’s critical to have a disciplined mind. As it is said that the pain of discipline is way less than the pain of regret.
    Sanjeev khullar

  3. How do you Control your mind Uncle Ji ?

    1. By practicing - a discipled practice - not killing or stopping it but training it - guiding and turning it towards the right and desired direction.

  4. Beautiful 🙏🏻. A request, rather the word Control, how about Train or Tame the Mind? Listen to it and try to understand it and give it lots of Love and patience to let it become naturally. As we know it's Natural state is Peaceful. So improving the environment in which it resides, better thoughts fed to it, away from misconceptions and constant negativity. Actually winning in the True and Pure sense of Winning over your own mind. Extremely difficult but Crucial 🌹🙏🏻

    1. You are right -- Training and taming are better words than controlling. Thanks for the suggestion

    2. Totally agree and what specifically do you do daily to have that happen ? Anything specific you do daily. Yes training the mind

  5. A thought provoking, self imbibing-cum-practising blog. Recall quote of Mr N.Murthy of Infosys. To him, Progress is equilant to difference between 'MIND' & 'MINDSET'. Developing former and aligning it with letter is Sina qua non of all ills.

    1. Thank you Dr. Gulati ji for adding that excellent quote.

  6. Skattar Sandhu
    Gurbany teaches us how to control our mind “ kumbay baddha jal rahay jal bin kumb nah hoohay Gyan badda mun rahar Gur bin Gyan nah hoohay”
    Simern is the key to control the mind🙏🙏

  7. Very True 🙏🙏


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