Saturday, January 28, 2023

Mind Words and Deeds

       Manasya Ekam, Vaachasya Ekam, Karmanya Ekam Mahaatmnaam
       Manasya anyat, Vachasya anyat, Karmanya anyat Duraatmnaam

Mahatma or Mahanpurush - the great souls are one in mind, word, and deed.
Great people have pure thoughts in their minds - 
and that is what they speak.
Their words are beautiful - refined and graceful - with good intent and inspiring to others.
And they act the same way too.
Their actions are also good and virtuous - adequate and righteous that do not cause harm to anyone.
They are pure and pious in all three - Mansaa, Vaachaa, and Karmanaa.

But on the other hand - Duraatma - means people with evil and selfish thoughts have one thing in their minds and something else in their words and deeds.
Such people may not remain content and happy in their minds or be able to help others.
                                                      " Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Beautiful words❤️

  2. Alignment and integration of mind, words and action is required to succeed in all aspects of this human life and to contribute in a meaningful and constructive way. Thank you for these thoughts.
    Sanjeev Khullar

  3. The virtues of true saints their thoughts words and actions are one.
    Skattar Sandhu

  4. Yes. "No Credibility Gap" is what a true Saint is always....

  5. Beautiful 🙏🏻

    If I may share an observation and a thought. The last sentence "Such people can neither remain content and happy in their own minds - nor they can do any good for others" should probably be reconsider when used as a conclusive support for any theory or data/information, since it's completely subjective and lacks validity and support that only those that are Evil experience this and those that are Great/Mahapursho don't. Thank you ji...

    1. Thank you Mr Deep S for your suggestions. I will change it - Thanks

    2. Baksh lena ji...just for your thoughtful consideration, but not necessarily needing any change 🌹🙏🏻

    3. Changes were made --- Yesterday
      Tanks again


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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