Saturday, January 21, 2023

Everyone would be successful - Gar maangnay say mil jaata

Mangnay say hee mil jata to har shakhs kaamyaab hota
Na hoti kadar kisi hunar ki - aur na koyi laajwaab hota 
Everyone would be successful if they got what they asked or begged for.
No skill would have been appreciated - no one would have been great.

For years and years, we have been asking and praying: "Oh God... Please make me a better person. 
Make me more spiritual - more tolerant, kind, and big-hearted. Make me content, happy, and peaceful."
And we are still doing it. 
We are still asking and praying for the same every time.
It means - it has not happened yet - that we have still not accomplished what we wanted.
Perhaps, it's time we start doing something about it - start putting some own effort into achieving the purity and virtues we want. 
Because nothing can be gained or acquired in the world simply by wanting or asking for it. 
If it did, then everyone would be rich – successful, and happy. 
Everyone would be great – kind, generous, and compassionate.
                          " Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. I agree with you hundred percent. God help those who help themselves🌹🌹

  2. 🙏Absolutely right advice ji. 🙏

  3. Great ji with you ji navneet

  4. great description💐

  5. There’s an old saying “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride”.
    We must endeavor with all of the God given faculties at our disposal, and God will bless us with what’s best for us.
    - Ram Nagrani

    1. Thank you, Nagrani ji - You are absolutely right - God has given us some wonderful faculties and great capabilities - it is our responsibility to make good use of them.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...