Thursday, January 12, 2023

When unexpected happens

Everything doesn't always go according to our plans. Sometimes unexpected events also happen. In such a situation, it is very important to maintain a mental balance. Nowadays, a video of one such incident has become viral - in which world-famous maestro Zakir Hussain turned an accidental and unexpected incident during a performance into entertainment instead of complaining or getting angry with the organizers.
This is a beautiful example that conveys the message that if we adjust a little in an unanticipated situation with ease and patiently wait for the situation to change, then we can avoid constant worry, anxiety, and distraction.

The greatness of great people is not in how they present themselves during their public performance to create a public image. It's their nature and humility - how they react to everyday incidents and how they handle them. But we can find this only by continually being with them for some period of time.

Zakir Bhai is one of the few great artists who left a deep impact on my mind.
In the eighties and nineties, he came to visit me several times and stayed at our house.
Once a tabla teaching workshop cum performance was organized at our house. Over one hundred listeners and students were present, and suddenly, a similar situation happened. A small flexible microphone stand, placed in front of him, was quite lightweight and fell on top of his tabla.
He started laughing.
"Rajan ji - this stand cannot even hold the weight of the mike. If I play a loud  composition, it might just fly away."
And in the meantime, while we made some other arrangements, he asked a student sitting in front to hold that stand while he played.
Even after the program, he didn't say anything - didn't complain. Later at night, when I apologized for not being able to make proper arrangements, he hugged me and said - Rajan ji, this is not the first time - this often happens in many places. So, nothing to worry about.

Many times, we also have to face similar situations in life.
We should try to stay calm and relaxed - and Keep moving forward by adjusting a little.
                                                         " Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Respected Rajan Jì. Thanks for sharing all the blessings and information. You’re always very kind Jì. Keep on Blessing.

  2. Rajanji, such a beautiful story with some great lessons!

  3. Marvelous teaching 🙏🙏🙏

  4. beautiful experience Thanks for sharing

  5. Thanks for sharing this incident Rajan Ji. I didn't know about your acquaintance with Ustad Zakir Hussain. But this insight is truly inspirational. If he can be so adjusting even after being so accomplished, then why can't I try and do the same?

    1. Yes Rajat ji - I first met him in 1984 and had the privilege to have good friendly relationship with him since then.
      He is a genius as a musician and a wonderful person as well. Though I am not in contact with him now days as he is too busy travelling and performing all over the world but I have great regards & love for him in my heart.

  6. Yes indeed. Patience and keeping calm is so important. Many times we have seen great people loosing it and seen the opposite too, on stage. The key is humility. All of us make mistakes, learn from mistakes and try to do the best we can.
    Hope you all are doing well.

  7. DnJ Rajan ji
    I am really touched with your experience with Zakir Husain ji. Lot to learn !

  8. I am sure you must have many more such memories. Please share more stories and your experiences. I am a big fan of Zakir Hussain Sahib. Would love to hear more about him. Thanks in advance 🙏

  9. I loved the video, made me smile. I am his huge fan! I downloaded the picture, but couldn't download the video. Thank you for sharing. Please keep blessing 🙏


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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