Wednesday, October 14, 2020

What is Right or Wrong?

As a part of human nature, we constantly evaluate and judge everything we see or hear and every situation we face. 

We classify everything as right or wrong, good or bad according to our own understanding and perception - based on our previous experiences and pre-conceived ideas. 

When - according to our perception, we think something is wrong - that it's not right, we start criticizing it - either publically with others or just in our minds. Either way, we first create a disturbance in our own mind, and therefore, can not focus on our own progress - our goals - on the things we want to achieve. 

The universe does not see things or incidents as right or wrong - good or bad.
We humans do. We label them as right or wrong. 

That is why when something bad happens, we question how the universe - nature, or God could let this happen?
We ask - where is God now? Why does He not stop evil people or bad things and terrible incidents from happening?

Because we consider things good or bad as per our own interests. Therefore, we not only judge people and situations, we even judge God for that matter.

Surrendering means not judging - accepting every situation as it is and going with the flow. 

It seems hard - but who said surrendering to the will of God or Nature is easy?
                                          ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Thank you 🙏

    I heard one quote which is along the same lines:

    “One of the best things you can do for yourself as a person is to practice having no opinion about most things you hear or see.”

  2. It's important to remember. I plead guilty to forgetting it often, even though it's included within our simran.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...