Friday, October 9, 2020

Ego is Just a Small Word

Ego is Just a Small Three Letter Word
Which Can Destroy a Big Twelve Letter Word Called...


  1. You are absolutely right ji 🙏🏼

  2. Punjabi word for ego is Aakad. There is no cure for this disease. The problem with this disease is that we believe that we are always right and it is always someone else’s fault. There is no cure for this disease because we believe we don’t have it. How can you cure a disease if you don’t think you have it???? This condition is like Nirankar, always was, is and will be. 🙏🙏🙏

  3. Punjabi word for ego is Aakad. There is no cure for this disease. The problem with this disease is that we believe that we are always right and it is always someone else’s fault. There is no cure for this disease because we believe we don’t have it. How can you cure a disease if you don’t think you have it???? This condition is like Nirankar, always was, is and will be. 🙏🙏🙏

    1. You are right - there is no cure for Ego. We can try to control it- to have less ego but that can only happen if we realize and admit it. No solution can be found without realizing and admitting the problem.
      Thanks for your input.

  4. Thanks Rajan-ji. The Greeks considered hubris to be the one unforgivable sin. In a Greek drama if a character displayed it, his eventual downfall was assured. Now if I can just remember that....


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...