Saturday, October 10, 2020

Is Ego Just a Small three letter Word?

A comment on yesterday's blog/quote about ego:

Punjabi word for ego is Aakad.
There is no cure for this disease. The problem with this disease is that we believe that we are always right and it is always someone else’s fault. There is no cure for this disease because we believe we don’t have it. How can you cure a disease if you don’t think you have it?
This condition is like Nirankar, always was, is, and will be.

There are two very valid points raised here.
First -The ego is present in everyone. 
There is no one in this world 
- who does not have any ego at all - especially if they have money and power. 
As Sant Tulasi Das said:
                            नहिं कोउ अस जनमा जग माहीं
                            प्रभुता पाई जाहि मद नाहीं
                      Nahin kou as janmaa jag maahin
                      Prabhutaa paaii jaahi mad naahin
                                                (Ram Charit Manas - Bal Kaand)
(There is absolutely no one in the world who does not gain ego - 
whose ego does not rise after getting some power and authority.)

In fact, the bigger the status, power, and authority, the greater is the ego. 

It's a part of human nature - but we can try to control it - reduce and subdue the sense of ego in our minds by keeping a reality check on ourselves. 

However, to be able to control our ego, the first thing is to realize -recognize and admit that we do have some ego. No solution can be found if we think that the problem does not exist.

Sometimes, the ego is so subtle that we don't even know that we have it.
It may be there disguised as humility.
                      हउ विचि मूरखु हउ विचि सिआणा ॥
                      मोख मुकति की सार न जाणा ॥
                    Haun Vich Moorkh Haun vich Siaana
                    Mokh mukat kee saar na Jaana

(In ego, they are ignorant, and in ego, they are wise.
They do not know the value of Moksha - the liberation.)
                                                     (Gurbani Page 466)

It's not only the knowledge or intelligence that makes people proud, self-centered, and arrogant -many people can become proud of their humility as well. I knew one very intelligent - highly respected and a popular gentleman who often used to say - 'you will never find a person who is more humble than me. Obviously, he took great pride in being polite and humble.
And then, sometimes, some people may pretend to be humble - to get what they want - to obtain some favors from others.

As Guru Nanak has said:
                                 अपराधी दूणा निवै जो हंता मिरगाहि ॥
                                 सीसि निवाइऐ किआ थीऐ जा रिदै कुसुधे जाहि ॥
                  Apraadhi doonaa nivai - jo hantaa mirgaahi
                  Sees nivaaye kya theeye ja ridai kusudhay jaahi 
                                                                    (Gurbani Page 470)

(The sinner bows down to the earth just like the deer hunters (lions, tigers) bend down before attacking its prey.
But what can be achieved by bowing the head, when the heart is impure?)

So, it's not so easy to define in simple words how to recognize the presence of ego - especially the subtle one.

It can be present in many different forms. A person who bows his head to everyone and uses a polite and respectful language may or may not necessarily be humble at heart.

Therefore, realizing and acknowledging the problem is the first step to find a solution - of how to control the ego.
                                                             'Rajan Sachdeva'


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...