Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Mahatma Sansar Chand ji - Akhnoor

So many people come and go in our life.
We meet so many, and so many go away. It's a part of life. 
                                   Log miltay aur bichhadtay rahay
                                 Umar bhar ye silsilaa chaltaa rahaa 

But there are some people whose meeting and separation leave deep memories in our minds.
One such old Saint - Mahatma Sansar Chand ji - who was the Sanyojak of Akhnoor (J&K) - departed from this mortal world yesterday.
I still vividly remember the day when we organized a Satsang for the first time in a temple in Akhnoor.
After the Satsang, Sansar Chand ji came to me and said - I wish you to visit my house - where I, along with my family, and friends would like to receive the Gyana. With three or four other Mahanpurush, we gladly went to his house, where he attended everyone with love and took Gyana with great reverence and became very happy.
While having tea, I said that according to your wish, we came to your house - now I also have a desire.
What is that? He asked.
I said I wish there should be a weekly Satsang somewhere in Akhnoor.
With great pleasure and enthusiasm, he said we can keep a weekly Satsang in his house.
For five or six years after that day - I, along with some other saints went to their house every Thursday for Satsang. With his help and excellent cooperation, Prachar work continued to expand and grow in Akhnoor and surrounding areas.
From that day onward, by the grace of Satguru Nirankar - he preached and spread the message of truth in the surrounding villages and towns for the rest of his life - with great enthusiasm.
His contribution to Prachar in that area can never be forgotten.
Many Saints have sent messages filled with love and reverence for him.
May Nirankar Parbhu grant strength to his family and loved ones to bear this loss. 
                                             ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Dhan Nirankar.
    Watching people who love what you do with same love is like watching flowers and vegetables growing in your garden of love.🙏🙏🙏

  2. Another saint, Always supporting. Still remember in 2007 we requested him to start EMS at Alhnoor. He took initiative and supported us the hallo .First floor was full of saintsm still remember learnings and teachings from him. May almighty bless.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...