Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Acceptance of Truth

First of all, accept the Truth as Truth - not the untruth.
To accept the truth, we must utilize our innate intelligence of analytical thinking - the ability to use logic, reason, and intuition.

However, we lose our critical thinking skills when we become biased toward our own beliefs and ideologies. 

Thinking objectively, rather than subjectively, is an essential step for learning the truth. 

A great hindrance to learning occurs when we have our conclusions already formed in our minds. 
If we think that what we believe is true, then we will refuse to look at any evidence to the contrary.

Therefore, carefully examine the evidence with an open but rational mind, because the acceptance of truth comes from one's own experience - not from the experiences of others. 

Reading and listening to others' experiences may help us to steer our minds in the right direction, but eventually, it has to become our own experience.
Once it becomes our own experience, no effort will be needed to accept it.
                                                        'Rajan Sachdeva'


  1. Man keeps looking for Truth that fits his reality. Given our reality, the truth doesn't fit. If you experience it, It is the truth . The same thing believed is a lie.
    However there are universal truths and one does not have to experience them to believe.... Like Death. Our Gyaan is another universal truth.

    Completely in agreement Rajan Jee.. Thanks


    1. Thank you, Ashok ji, for your input. However, the moment we say "Our Gyan, it makes it Limited and competitive with "others" - and is not Universal anymore.

  2. I try to consider new information that might broaden my present understanding as a data point that may at some later time be augmented by more new information that may begin to firm up into a pattern. On the other hand, there are experiences that cannot be seen and not be believed.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...