Saturday, October 3, 2020

Should we ask questions or follow blindly?

Some people think that we should simply believe and follow - and not ask any questions. 

They hold some pre-conditioned central beliefs which are too strong - and they build all their perceptions, opinions, and judgments according to those beliefs.

When they are presented with some evidence that works against their beliefs, they will not accept it. 

And because they want to protect their core belief, they will either try to rationalize it - or ignore and even deny anything that does not fit in with their core belief. And by doing so, they fail to achieve any new knowledge and end up blocking their own future progress. 

But at the same time, some different kinds of thoughts and doubts also keep popping up in their minds occasionally - which they forcefully try to block. A pat of their mind wants to think progressively, while the other part wants to follow the pre-conditioned - pre-adopted concepts. 

This creates an uncomfortable feeling, called Cognitive Dissonance - the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially relating to behavioral decisions and attitude. It limits their sense of perception and judgment. 

If we want to progress in any field - material or Spiritual, we must let go of old, pre-conditioned irrational core beliefs and be open to new evidence and new ideas. 

All ancient Indian Scriptures, such as Bhagavad Geeta and the Upanishads, have repeatedly stated to use knowledge and wisdom to comprehend the Reality. 

And that is the difference between humans and animals. 

The birds still make their nests the same way as before - A lion still hunts the same way as it used to do thousands of years ago. They have neither improved their own lifestyles - nor did they do anything to improve their surroundings.

Whereas humans have not only improved their own life but their surroundings as well.  

Because they continually tried to gain more knowledge and thought of new ideas based on previously known facts - by using their wisdom and by rationalizing everything. 

But unfortunately, when it comes to Adhyaatm or Spirituality, we tend to believe in some dogmas simply because someone says it so - or because it is written in a book - without thinking it rationally.  

We often hear a quote from the Bible - Ask, and ye shall be given. 

Given what? 

Most people translate it as - you will receive whatever you ask for - worldly things, pleasures, and happiness, etc. 

However, I would like to think that it means - 'Ask, and the answer will be given to you. 

Just as in the Bhagavad Geeta, Arjun, the curious disciple, kept on asking questions, and Lord Krishna kept on answering - until his disciple was completely satisfied.

But over the period, this tradition of constant dialogues between the Guru and disciple got lost, and the ideology of the Western religions of - 'Do not ask - just believe' - took over the later Indian religious traditions. People stopped asking questions - stopped even thinking - and started following blindly - just as they were told. 

Ironically, if there are any materialistic issues or concerns, we never follow blindly. 

But when it comes to the Spiritual world, why do we think differently?

Shouldn't we ask questions to satisfy our curiosity - to know more and to remove any doubts that we might have?  

Asking questions and getting the right answers is the key to progress - in any field - worldly or Spiritual. 

                                                            ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Ig you don6ask any question that means either you didn't understood whatever is said or you don't want to know .T wise people always order and ask their servants these questions
    1 why it happened
    2 who did it
    3 when it happened
    4 where it happened
    5 how it happened
    And soon

  2. Cognitive Dissonance, an outcome of blocked interpersonal communication notwithstanding materialistic / spiritual pursuits is an honest attempt to put human behaviour in a newer perspective. Point is if we read between lines queries ought to confine to areas i.e. materialistic/spiritual domains in real terms. Unfortunately, sense of questioning in today's "I-me-mysrlf" times, are messed up. Spiritualism is seen more as a means to achieve Materialistic goals and not the other way. Adage " SELF-INTROSPECTION COUPLED WITH SELF-REFORMATION" seems to be an question as well as answer.

  3. Uncle ji so nicely said, Shenshah Baba Avtar Singh Ji used to say this also.

  4. As always Thank You for beautiful article 🙏. My mind can not be at peace if I have unanswered questions.🙏

  5. Dhan Nirankar.
    It is more comfortable walking behind someone with open eyes and ears. Once you have truly understood the head and heart both follow effortlessly.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...