Wednesday, October 21, 2020

A letter written by Sh. Virendra Tarneja ji

A letter - written by late Sh. Virendra Tarneja ji (Rochester NY) to his brother - shared by his wife Rajni Tarneja ji.


Dear Brahm,

At last, I have started to write to you, perhaps for the first time in my life. It is going to be different from usual material world – about something we already know but need to be reminded over and over again.

             We have all along believed that it is only one  Parampita Parmatma, Servshaktiman jo kan kan main smaya hea,  but have never felt in a way that we can communicate to him in day-to-day busy life. Are we all so much engrossed in the material world ( maya ) that we have clean forgotten IT! We have forgotten the one who has created our body mind and soul like It has created the whole universe and beyond. It is because our mind keeps us busy from one thought to another, from one desire to another, from one fear to another, from something or the other be it a pleasure or pain. In this way we never get time to listen to our own silent inner consciousness –Shantkaran   It is not possible to perceive it with our physical senses but it surely can be felt whenever we time in to IT. If it is omnipresent, we should be able to feel IT anywhere any time. It has always been there without any beginning or end permanent or Permatma . It is beyond any dimensions and limits senses therefore easy yet difficult, improbable but not impossible – only if we let ourselves go shed our Ego, the real barrier between It and us, the wall between light and us, creating darkness in our life – between KNOWLEDGE & IGNORANCE. As Mahatma Buddha said and our Holy scripture said that ignorance is cause of all the suffering. But Almighty God is also compassionate, Kind and forgiving provided be surrender our Ego to It and let it shine in our life and play through our consciousness. We need to do so with our complete heart and soul, and not just a thought or make believe practice or deception.

All these days I myself was wrong in thinking. I tried to help you change, but nothing can change without His benign grace. So lets pray and seek It’s grace and guidance to despell the darkness that has engulfed us all this while. We have to let ourselves to go and let IT function all through us the way IT wills and not the way we wish. The moment we can do that, we are already transformed. The moment we see the true light, the darkness vanishes on its own.

By now we have discovered the subject matter of this letter - Tranceformation of ourselves, actually it RECLAMATION or REDEMPTION of our soul so that we can return to the true ABODE (residence) where we came from so that we can become one with ONE and be protected forever thereafter, like one feels secure when he returns from a long and tiring journey. What do you think? May be you share your views and inner vision with me.

There is one hidden purpose of it too. In want to learn by writing to you and become clear minded so that I start writing a Book on SPIRITUALITY, The ULTIMATE TRUTH. So bless me with your heart and soul so that the book can benefit one and all and you and me the most.


  1. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

    Nirankar Bless very touching

  2. What more is there to say? With Nirankars blessing, let's live it!

  3. Such an intellectual and spiritual outpouring of thoughts 🙏
    Expected our our reverred Virender Jija Ji
    Satguru bless his soul


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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