Monday, October 19, 2020

Mistake - In the eyes of Bhapa Ram Chand ji

Once upon a time, I was accompanying Bhapa Ram Chand ji on his Prachar tour. 

At one station, a family lovingly invited him to their house for dinner, which Bapa ji gladly accepted.

When we went to their house in the evening, I saw that the whole family was engaged in Seva with much love and reverence. Especially the host Mata ji seemed very dedicated and emotional and was serving food with great love, and humility, and immense reverence.

After the meal, Bapa ji blessed the family with love and returned to the Satsang Bhavan.

The next morning the family came to the Satsang Bhavan to meet and greet Bapa Ji. The mother had tears in her eyes, and she was repeatedly apologizing to Bapa ji, saying that she had made a big mistake in the previous evening. She had prepared Kheer (sweet pudding) also, but she was so much immersed in emotions that she forgot to serve it. 

"I made a big mistake, Bapa Ji. I have been regretting it all night. Please forgive me."

Bapa ji laughed loudly and said - "Bahu changaa hoya."

It was good that you forgot to serve the pudding. You should be thankful for making this mistake.

Everyone was surprised - what was good about it? What is there to be thankful for in this situation?

Bapa ji said that if you had served the Kheer, then perhaps you would have felt some pride in your mind that you have done excellent Seva. 

Now - because you made this mistake, you all have a sense of humility in your mind that you could not do Seva properly.

So be happy and thankful that you have escaped ego because of this mistake.

By giving a positive turn to her mistake, Bapa Ji tried to remove the feeling of guilt from her mind, and at the same time, taught all of us a new way of thinking - a new angle - a different perspective to look at everything.

                                             'Rajan Sachdeva'


  1. Lol...beautiful...thank you for sharing. Dhan Nirankar Ji.

  2. Very nice ji
    Thank you for sharing maharaj.
    Dhan nirankar ji

  3. Haha. I thought he would say that it was good because now he could go back to their house again and have more blessings!

  4. To be perfect and to think I am perfect is also an Ego


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...