Sunday, July 21, 2024

Happy Guru Poornima - 2024

                  To all my Gurus 
             Who taught me to be what I am 

Guru Purnima is an Indian & Nepali spiritual tradition - dedicated to spiritual, academic, and professional teachers. 
To those - who are evolved and enlightened humans ready to share their wisdom - with little or no monetary expectation.

It is believed that a person is blind without a teacher to guide him. 
Mother and father are the first teachers of a child. 
Later, the Guru becomes his or her second mother or father.

The Shastras proclaim that a human being is born twice - known as Dvija. 
First, by the union of the father and mother - and second, when he is accepted by a bonafide Guru. 
The Guru acts as a father and delivers the knowledge - with the help of Mother Gayatri - the personification of the knowledge & wisdom and holy scriptures.
In other words, Guru is considered the father and the  Scriptures and literature as a mother. 
Guru teaches with the help of - or according to Scriptures and authentic books.

The festival of Guru Poornima is celebrated on the full moon day (Purnima) in the month of Ashadh - as it is known in the Hindu lunar calendar of India and Nepal  (Sometime in July or August according to the Western calendar)

                      The symbol of the full moon represents perfection.

Guru-Poornima is a symbolic reminder of the belief that Guru is Poorna - perfect.
One of the most popular beliefs about the meaning of Guru Poornima is that the Guru is Poorna - perfect, like a full moon.

The Guru Poornima is not just a symbol of gratitude of the disciple towards the Guru - but also a reaffirmation of the belief that the Guru is Poorna.
The belief that the Guru is Poorna or perfect is significant and essential. 
We cannot learn much from someone if we have doubts about their knowledge in the subject we want to acquire.
In order to learn - we need to have faith in the Guru - the teacher.
Therefore, we should always try to find a Guru - who may have the perfect knowledge of the required subject. 
Once our curiosity about the Gyan or knowledge of the Guru is satisfied, we must have faith in his teachings.

However - a question comes to mind. 
Can a Guru be a perfect Guru without any disciples?

A teacher asked his young student:
Johnny - How old are you?
Six years", Johnny said.
"And how old is your father?"
"He is also six years old."
"How is that possible?" Teacher asked.
"Duh..... Because he became a father when I was born." - Johnny said.
A person is not a father - until he has a child.
He becomes a father only when his child is born.
Similarly, a Guru becomes a perfect Guru - only when his disciples achieve perfection.
Guru is not a degree, a qualification - or a seat, a post, or a job like a teacher or a professor. 
Guru is a revered sentiment toward the person -
who not only teaches the required subject - 
but also personally guides the disciple at every step of their life and helps them reach perfection. 
Therefore, gratitude towards the Guru is not just singing praises of the Guru and offering thanks and gifts.
The Guru must try to help each and every student and disciple on a personal basis and the student or disciple must try to understand the teachings - imbibe them in life, and strive to achieve perfection.

Just as parents become delighted and proud of their children's achievements - the Gurus also feel content and proud when they see their disciples achieving heights and perfection. 

A guru is someone - who sees the potential in us, even when we don't see it in ourselves. 
Satguru Kabeer ji maharaj said - 
Guru Kumhaar Sish Kumbh hai - Gadh Gadh Kaaday Khot
Antar Haath Sahaar day - Baahar Maaray Chot 

"The Guru is the potter - and the disciple is the pot - 
who molds it and removes its flaws. 
He supports it with his inner hand and hits it to shape it with his outer hand."
Swami Vivekanand said - The guru is the one who, having traversed the path to liberation ..Guides us on that path."

The true purpose of the Guru is to uplift our minds, not just to help with worldly knowledge or careers.

"Educating the hearts and minds of the youth is more important than educating them on how to make money."  (Dalai Lama)
As Albert Einstein said - 
"The joy of learning and creative expression is awakened by a true guru."
A guru is not just a teacher but a beacon of hope and wisdom.
The beautiful thing about learning from a guru is that the knowledge and wisdom imparted can never be taken away.
A Guru - who is jealous of the disciples - does not want the disciples to grow and reach perfection may not be considered a perfect Guru. 

Seeing the children prospering, parents feel a sense of achievement in themselves – that their love and sacrifice have paid - that they have fulfilled their role as parents. 
Similarly, seeing the disciples become perfect and achieve the same heights, the Guru may also feel that he has fulfilled his role as the Guru. 

The sincere and genuine gratitude towards the Guru would be when we start working seriously towards achieving perfection in ourselves - to make the Guru feel happy - content, and fulfilled. 

May the Lord bless us all to achieve that Poornima.
                                   " Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Thought provoking read. One who takes followers out from GU(darkness) to RU(enlightenment) , thy name is GURU. Warm Regards Professor Sahib for having performed pious role in lives of your students n now dedicating yourself in service to Mission by sharing rich haul of wisdom via your spiritual blogs.
    Thanks ji.

  2. 🙏🏻🙇🏻‍♀️

  3. Thanks for sharing amazing deep spiritual knowledge

  4. *🎍Dhan Nirankar Ji Pyaare Rev. Rajan Uncle Ji👣🌹🌸🙏🏻🙇🏻‍♂️*
    Wishing You a blessed GURU PURNIMA filled with Love & Devotion ji.Your Teachings have been a beacon of light in my life. Offering my Heartfelt thanks for your Invaluable Teachings ji.
    💐🙏🏻 Praying and Begging in your Holy Lotus Feet for PERMANENCE IN FAITH, so that the train of my life remains on the Track Of Righteousness and to make sincere efforts on the path of Devotion, doing Sewa, Simran and Satsang and surrendering the result unto Nirankar ji.
    BLESS me that whatever test comes my way, I should have enough faith, wisdom and strength to overcome that situation Ji.Remain Rooted In Truth With Belief In Nirankar ji.🌻
    *Love You So Very Much Ji.🫶🏻♥️*


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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