Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Eventually Everyone Leaves - Sab Apnay Beganay Chhoot jaatay hain

Khilaunay hain sabhi maati kay Aakhir Toot jaatay hain 
Samay kay saath Sab Apnay Beganay Chhoot jaatay hain 

Bahut mushkil hai 'Rajan' har kisi ko saath rakh paana  
Chiraagon ko jalaatay hee Andheray rooth jaatay hain 

                          " Rajan Sachdeva "

Everything is like the toys made out of clay - and eventually shatters.
With time - everyone - all loved ones and strangers leave us  

It's hard to keep everyone happy and close 
The moment we light a lamp, the darkness leaves us. 
                        "Rajan Sachdeva"


  1. Well said. All living species on earth come with shelf life.

  2. 🙏Excellent,Absolutely true 🙏


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...