Thursday, March 7, 2024

The Phone Bill

Johnny came home from work in the evening and saw the telephone bill lying on his table. 
He was astonished to see the amount on the bill. 
It was significantly higher than ever before. 
He called his wife and children to find out why the bill was so high,
This amount is too much. How could it be so high? 
As for myself, I never use the home phone. 
I always use the office phone - there is no need for me to use the home phone." He said.

His wife said: "I too use only the work phone. 
I can’t afford to use the home phone to talk with all my friends for hours."

Son: "Well. You know I leave for work at seven in the morning and come home late. 
Since I work long hours, I always talk to people from my office phone."

The daughter said her company had given her a phone on her desk. 
She does not need to use the home phone.

"Then why is the phone bill so high? Johnny asked.

The housemaid was listening to their conversation intently and silently. 
Suddenly, all eyes turned towards her...
"Do you use our house phone?"
She said: yes, sir.

Johnny became angry.
"You have no right to make personal calls from our phone.

She said:  Well! All of you use the phone at your respective places of work... 
Why is it wrong if I do the same?

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We usually don't feel bad when we do something in a certain way -
But if someone else does the same?

Many times, despite knowing that what we are doing may not be right – we still keep doing it.
But if someone else does the same thing, our reaction changes. 
We react differently when others act the same way.

We do not feel guilty when we do something wrong towards others.
Our faults and weaknesses are usually invisible to us. 
And even if we see them, we ignore them by calling them insignificant trivial matters.
But if someone else treats us the same way we treat them, we start playing as victims 
We start criticizing and complaining by accusing them of discrimination and calling ourselves victimized and oppressed.

If we don't feel guilty about our own misdeeds towards others, 
then why should we feel victimized if others treat us the same way?
                 "Rajan Sachdeva "

1 comment:

  1. Very Good Story and written practically with live example. Thank you !


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...