Monday, March 11, 2024

The color of Henna is not visible

The color- the redness is hidden in the leaves of henna.
But we don't see it.
It's not visible to us.

However, when soaked and applied on the hands properly, its redness becomes visible on the hand.
And then it doesn't fade away for a long time.

Similarly, the omnipresent God is also not visible to us - 
because He is formless - beyond form, color, and shape. 
It can not be seen with the physical eyes.

Only through the Gyan - the correct knowledge and proper practice and Sumiran, meditation, and loving devotion can it appear in the heart. 
And once it appears - occupies the heart & mind, its color - its mark does not fade away.

                 Laali meray Laal ki Jit dekhoon tit Lal
                 Laali dekhan main gayo - main bhi ho gayo laal

The exquisite color - the beauty of the Lord is everywhere around us.
Wherever I look - He is there.
When I wanted to explore its color - its beauty and magnificence - 
I too got immersed in its color - and became one with Him. 
                         "Rajan Sachdeva"


  1. Well explained concept of "BHAKTI" in it's truest form. Ameen !

  2. Wow ЁЯШо that is amazing
    Mati Haider

  3. Wonderful comparison ЁЯЩПЁЯМ╣

  4. Iske rang mein rang jaein ЁЯЩПЁЯП╝


Discussion vs Argument рдЪрд░्рдЪा рдмрдиाрдо рдмрд╣рд╕

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...