Friday, March 8, 2024

Maha Shivratri and Women's Day

Most ancient civilizations and cultures favored the supremacy of men - and regarded the female gender as weaker and subordinate to men.

In modern times, many Women's Empowerment or 'Nari-Shakti' movements have emerged and gained immense popularity all over the world. Many festivals, such as 'International Women's Day' are also becoming quite popular nowadays.

Yet, there are some religions and cultures that still believe that men are higher and superior than women.
And then - some people claim that women are superior to men - 
mentally and physically stronger and more enduring than men.

However, neither of the above approach is practical.
Men and women should not be seen as competitors.
They are rather complimentary to each other.

Ancient Hindu or Indian cultures have always given equal status to men and women.
Women were considered Devis - Goddesses. They were honored and given utmost respect. 
Devis such as Durga, Sarasvati, Laxmi, Seeta, and Parvati have been worshipped in India since ancient times.
Even today, the most popular and leading middle names given to Hindu women are Devi (Goddess) and Rani (Queen).

According to ancient Indian Scriptures:
         "Yatra Naaryastu Pujyantay, Ramantay Tatra Devtah"
                                                                            (Manu Smriti)
Meaning: where women are honored and respected, the Gods reside there.

The Vedas said it beautifully and the best about Gender Equality :
                    "Na Shiva Shakti Rahito - Na Shakti Shiv Varjitaa
                      Ubhayorasti Taadaatmayam Vanhi Daahakayorivaa"*
Shiva and Shakti are seen as male and female forces or energies in this Shloka.
It says that neither Shiv is without Shakti - nor Shakti is without Shiva.
Ubhayo - meaning both - are the same and supplemental to each other.
Just like fire and flame are not different - Fire and burning power can not be split and considered higher and lower. 
They are one and the same.
Similarly, Shiv and Shakti - Male and Female - can not be split - isolated and considered higher or lower than the other. 
They are the same and complementary to each other.

                    "Maat-Pitaa bin Baal na hoyi" (Gurbani)
Meaning: Mother and father - both are needed for the birth and upbringing of a child.

Nature has created both equally for the continuation of the world.
They both play their own essential parts to contribute to the family and society.
Both have their own roles - their own duties and responsibilities.
Therefore, both should be equally respected and appreciated - without placing one above the other.
Instead of considering one as higher or lower than the other, both should be given equal respect. 
The world will disintegrate if either one is eliminated. 
                                  " Rajan Sachdeva "
              Happy Maha Shivratri and Women's Day

* न शिव: शक्तिरहितो न शक्ति: शिववर्जिता
उभयोरस्ति तादात्म्यं वह्निदाहकयोरिव

1 comment:

  1. Very good commentary on gender equality. We should always keep it in mind 👍🏻


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