Thursday, March 28, 2024

Singing Qawalis on someone's grave - Kisi ki qabr par qawaliyon say kuchh nahin hoga

Na hon Paisay to istaqbaaliyon say kuchh nahin hoga 
Kisi Shaayar ka khaali Taaliyon say kuchh nahin hoga 

Nikal aayi hai un kay pait say pathari sugar-coated 
Jo kehtay thay ki meethi chhaaliyon say kuchh nahin hoga  

Mazaa jab hai ki Zindon ko sunaao nagma-e-ulfat 
Kisi ki qabr par Qawaaliyon say kuchh nahin hoga  
                                          " Khalid Irfan "

Istqbal            =  to welcome, Honor
Chhaliyaan    = Sweet Corn cobs 

                                    English Translation

It does not do any good to welcome and simply offer garlands if no money is paid to the artists. 
Empty applause will be of no use to a poet.

Sugar-coated stones have come out of their belly
who said that sweet corn would do no harm to them. 

Singing the songs of love and affection to the living ones would be beneficial and appreciated. 
Singing Qawwalis on someone's grave will do no good to anyone.


  1. Beautifully said👌

  2. Nice -- but seems incomplete
    Post the complete ghazal please


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