Wednesday, March 6, 2024


Faults, Anger, Greed, Ego, Stubbornness, Arrogance, 
Criticism, Condemnation, Insult, etc. are like Snoring.

We don't even realize it when we do it
But when someone else does it, it bothers us.
It upsets and irritates us.
We even get angry at them.

But we feel bad only when others do it - not us. 
Everything seems fine when we do it ourselves.
                 "Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Excellent.Absolutely true Ji.🙏

  2. Hundred percent agree 🌹🙏

  3. Hundred percent agree 🌹🙏

  4. Very true. Also we may not realize it but it hurts as well.🙏

  5. Dnj R V
    How true is that! So how to trasend that ? One thing I read we can do is to sit and introspect with an open mind and perceive objectively my part in the situation.
    Thank you ji


Sarveshaam Mangalam Bhavatu - May Everyone be Prosperous

Sarveshaam Svastir Bhavatu Sarveshaam Shaantir Bhavatu Sarveshaam Poornam Bhavatu Sarveshaam Mangalam Bhavatu          (Brahadaranyak Upanis...