Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The Biggest Illusion

Vaqt abhee to bahut padaa hai
Veham yahi ik sab say badaa hai

Janay kab aa jaaye bulaavaa
Dhyan magar duniya mein jadaa hai

Jo beejogay - vo hee milegaa
Qudrat ka ye Niyam kadaa hai

Changay manday sab karmon ka
Khaataa us kay paas padaa hai

Us say kuchh bhi chhup na sakega
Vo - jo sab kay Saath khadaa hai

Brahm ka Gyan huaa par phir bhi
Kyon vehmon mein man jakdaa hai

Aatm-Tatv ko paakar 'Rajan'
Tan ka daaman kyon pakdaa hai
                       " Rajan Sachdeva "

Veham = Illusion
Niyam = Law, Rule
Kadaa = Firm, Stern, Strict, Unbending
Changay Manday = Good &Bad
Khaataa = Account, Files, Record

                             English Translation
       The Biggest Illusion

There is still a lot of time left
This illusion is the biggest of all

We don't know when the call may come?
Yet, our mind is rooted in the world.

You will reap whatever you sow.
This law of nature is stern and uncompromising.

All the deeds - good or bad
Files of those accounts are kept with Him.

Nothing can be kept hidden from Him.
He - who is always with everyone - watching everything.

Even after bearing the knowledge of the Absolute Brahm
Why is the mind still stuck in illusions?

After attaining the essence of the 'Self - O' Rajan'
Why are you still holding on to the hem of the body?
                                   "Rajan Sachdeva "


Discussion vs Argument рдЪрд░्рдЪा рдмрдиाрдо рдмрд╣рд╕

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...