Thursday, December 15, 2022

A Myth - Everything happens with the will of God

Quite often, we hear the phrase:
"Parmatma ki ichha kay Bina kuchh nahin ho saktaa"
That nothing can happen without the will of God.

However, it's a wrong concept - the actual quote is......
"Parmatma kay bina kuchh nahin ho saktaa"
"Nothing can happen without God"

Another popular phrase:
"Parmaatma ki ichha kay Bina ek pattaa bhi nahin hil saktaa"
"Nothing - not even a leaf, can move without the will of God.

But the actual phrase is:
"Nothing - not even a leaf, can move without God.

I don't know when and how the word "will of God" got added to these phrases.

"What is the difference?" One may ask.

There is a big difference.
And that is what creates confusion in our minds. 

By saying "will of God not only do we imply that God has ' will and desires, but preferences as well. 
It means God is not impartial and just - 
That, He favors or disfavors certain people - creates and destroys - provides or takes away according to His will and preferences.

If nothing can happen without the "will of God, then why do 'sin and evil' exist in the world? 
It means that all the bad things - killings and hatred etc. are happening with the "will of God". 
Because He desires so?

However, when we say, "nothing can move without God has a different meaning altogether. 
It makes perfect sense, and it is perfectly scientific.

Every gadget and appliance in our homes runs on electricity. 
We see the appliances working but do not see the energy behind them. 
For example, we only see the light bulb shining, not the electricity flowing through it - because the light bulb is physical, and electricity is Formless. 
We don't see electricity - yet we know that the bulb cannot shine without electricity.

Can we say that the bulb cannot shine without the 'will of electricity"?

We don't see electricity shining, heating or cooling, or even flowing - but none of the household appliances can work without it. 

And without a doubt, we know it's the 'electricity'- not the 'will of electricity' that makes the appliances move or work.
Electricity only provides energy. 
Shining, heating, or cooling depends on the design and programming of the gadget, not on the will of electricity.

Similarly, God is 'Nirankaar, 'Nirgun' (Formless and attribute-less) - the fundamental source behind everything. 

Nothing can move or work without God - the fundamental source of energy.
But Love or hatred, kindness or cruelty, generosity or selfishness, helping and saving or torturing and killing, depends on the individuals, not on the so-called 'will of God.'       
We all move and function by the power of God.
But how we use this power or energy depends on us.
Let us use this energy in the right way - at the right time and for the good of all.       
                                     'Rajan Sachdeva'


  1. That’s so true and makes complete sense. Thanks for sharing uncle ji.

  2. Wow, that’s deep and insightful. Thank you Rajan ji.

  3. Very true Make complete sense

  4. Wow, that’s deep and insightful.
    Thank you Rajan ji ЁЯЩПЁЯдЧ

  5. Wow Very insightful, thank you

  6. God is the intelligence and the laws of nature and is the karma phal data. What ever our actions the results come from Iswar according to laws of nature. We do not know when these results come to us. Some are immediate called Drishta phal and some results come in future called Adrista phal. Bad things happening to good people and good things happening to bad people. We get unexpected good results and unexpected bad results due to unfolding of the Adrista phal. Because of this we say everything is Ishwar ki Itcha but as you stated it is not. He is only Karma phal data

  7. Dhan Nirankar ji

    рдЗрд╕рдЖрд░्рдЯिрдХрд▓ рдХो рд╣िрди्рджी рдоें рднी рд╡िрд╕्рддाрд░рдкूрд░्рд╡рдХ рднेрдЬрдиे рдХी рдХृрдкा рдХрд░ें рдЬी ЁЯЩП

  8. Thank you for clarifying this Rajan ji. I always had a hard time accepting this "Myth". I guess I should've googled/researched this a long time ago to understand the proper verbiage.

    Would you be so kind to share the reference material on this?

    Thank you ЁЯЩП

    1. Are you asking for the references where it says " Nothing happens without the will of God"?
      In my knowledge (which is limited of course) no authentic Hindu or Sanatan holy scripture says that everything happens according to the will of God. This concept is influenced by and borrowed from Western Semitic religions. The phrases like "рдкрд░рдоाрдд्рдоा рдХी рдЗрдЪ्рдЫा рдХे рдмिрдиा рдПрдХ рдкрдд्рддा рднी рдирд╣ीं рд╣िрд▓ рд╕рдХрддा" are folklores - certain people's beliefs and concepts - not from the ancient Indian scriptures. The points in this article are my personal views based upon the Sanatan holy scriptures which say that Brahm - the Supreme Lord - creator and source of energy and everything in nature is Formless - Nirakar and Nirgun - Without form and attributes - without any desires or favoritism.
      You can do some research on Sanatan thoughts on the qualities and attributes of Brahm or Ishvar. What God is and what he does.... etc. Thanks.

  9. Skattar Sandhu
    Hukan binah nah jholay parts
    Your explanation on the subject is very precise. Similar explanation is also in Gurdev Hardev.

  10. Very nice beautiful explanation , it all makes
    Perfect sense ji

  11. ЁЯЩПExcellent clarification ji.ЁЯЩП

  12. Exactly ЁЯЩПЁЯП┐

  13. Kundan Gauba.wonderful clarity Santo. Thanks ЁЯЩПЁЯЩП

  14. Never knew the actual saying were differentЁЯЩПЁЯП╝

  15. I had this discussion here with few mahapurashes, different occasions. No body wanted to realize this. Now I have one big vote from you, at least somebody said some positive thing ЁЯЩП

  16. Thank you ji.... Makes big difference in understanding the real meaningЁЯд▓ЁЯд▓


Discussion vs Argument рдЪрд░्рдЪा рдмрдиाрдо рдмрд╣рд╕

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...