Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Sukhasya Dukhasya Na-ko-api daata - No one is giver of Joy & Suffering

Sukhasya Dukhasya Na-ko-api daata
Paro dadatiti kubuddhiresha. 
Aham Karomeeti Vrithabhimaanam
Sva-Karm Sootray Garasito-hi-Lokah 
There is no one else - who is the giver of happiness and sorrow.
To think that someone else gives happiness and sorrow is a sign of ignorance and thoughtlessness.
I am the doer and provider of everything - is also a false egotistic conception.
Everyone is bound in the chain of their Karmic cycle. 

The same thing is said in Tulsi Ramayana also:
        Kaahu na kou sukh dukh kar data
        Nij krit karm bhog sabu bhraataa
                 (Ram charit maanas - Ayodhya kaand)
There is no one else who gives happiness and sorrow.
Hey brother - everyone experiences happiness and sorrow according to their own deeds.
The same is also said in Gurubani:
         Dadai dos na deu kisai dos karma aapaneya 
        Jo main keeaa so main paaya dos na deejai avar jana 
                                                    (Gurbani page 433)

Sant Tulasidas further explains:
             Baday bhaag maanush tanu paava
             Sur durlabh sab granthanhi gaava
             Saadhan dhaam mochchh kar dvaara
             Payi na jehin parlok sanvaara
     So partra dukh paavayi sir dhuni dhuni pachhtaayi
     Kaalahin karmahin Eeshvarahin, mith‍yaa dosh lagaayi. 
                                          (Ram charit maanas - Uttarkaand)
By great fortune, this human body has been received. 
All the scriptures have said that this human body is rare even to the gods or angels. 
It is the abode of means and ways - and the door to salvation.
The one who does not take advantage of the hereafter after getting it (this opportunity) - always finds sorrow, beats his head, and repents.
Instead of admitting his fault, he falsely blames time, fate, or God.

We often do not want to take responsibility for anything - or the outcome of our actions. 
By holding someone else responsible - especially for our sorrows and sufferings, we feel some relief and solace.

However, if we consider ourselves responsible for our fate and circumstances - then we may try to do everything wisely. 
If we understand well that our deeds create our destiny - we will always try to do good deeds to secure a better future.
The adverse effects of past deeds can also be changed - up to some extent - by doing auspicious deeds in the present. 
That is why holy scriptures and saints preach and inspire us to do Satsang, Bhakti, and Seva with humility.
But if you cannot do any good - at least do not harm or hurt anyone.
Vedas say:
        "Ma Gridhah Kasyasvidhnam"
                   (Ishavasya Upanishad)
Never try to snatch someone's money - something that belongs to someone else.
                                  " Rajan Sachdeva "

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Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...