Thursday, December 22, 2022

Jo log jaan boojh kay naadaan ban gaye

Jo log jaan boojh kay naadaan ban gaye 
Mera khyaal hai ki vo insaan ban gaye 

Ham hashr mein gaye thay magar kuchh na poochhiye 
Vo jaan boojh kar vahaan anjaan ban gaye 

Manjhdhaar tak to pahunchnaa himmat ki baat thi 
Saahil kay aas paas hee toofaan ban gaye 

Insaaniyat kee baat to itni hai Sheikh jee 
Bad-kismti say aap bhi insaan ban gaye 

Kaantay thay chand daamne-fitrat mein ae 'Adam ' 
Kuchh phool - aur kuchh merar armaan ban gaye 
                                    " Adam "

Those who consciously - intentionally became ignorant and innocent - 
In my opinion, they became real humans.

We went to the day of judgment, but what an irony!
They deliberately became unknown to me there - refused to recognize me. 

Reaching the middle was a matter of great courage - 
Storms were building even at the shore.

O Sheikh - O priest - you want to talk about humanity?
The unfortunate fact is that you are also a human (Satire)

There were few thorns in my destiny, O 'Adam.
Some became flowers - and some became my longings and yearnings.


  1. Skattar Sandhu
    Thanks for sharing very inspiring and deep thoughts 🌹🌹


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...