Thursday, December 22, 2022

कभी कभी मैं याद में तेरी Sometimes I get so lost

कभी कभी मैं याद में तेरी यूं  खो जाता हूँ 
मैं नहीं रहता हूँ तब - बस तू हो जाता हूँ 

Kabhi kabhi main yaad me teri yoon kho jataa hoon 
Main nahin rehtaa hoon tab - bus Tu ho jataa hoon 


Sometimes I get so lost in your remembrance - 

That I stop to exist - and just become one with you. 


  1. In one of his vichars Babaji quoted, “Tohi mohi, mohi Tohi, Antar kaisa?”
    - Ram Nagrani

  2. Excellent. Complete surrender and devotion to nirankar ji.🙏

  3. Excellent complete surrender& devotion to nirankar 💐🙏

  4. Beautiful. May this `sometime` become `most of the times` and finally `all the time`. 🙏

  5. Toor
    Practical example of, “Rohaniyat and Insaniyat sang sang”


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...