Sunday, December 25, 2022

Focusing on others' faults and weaknesses

Even if we don't mean to be critical, we often focus on everyone's flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses. 
In our mind, consciously or unconsciously - we start passing judgment on everyone around us. 

However, the moment we think that the other person is wrong, we create a barrier between us that prevents us from seeing any goodness in them. 
Gradually, this practice of focusing on other people's faults becomes a habit that eventually prevents us even from reaching our own goodness. 
The more we focus on others' weaknesses, the more we lose our own goodness.


  1. Hanji. In fact, researched both spiritually and scientifically, the more we focus on others flaws and shortcomings, the more we're likely to become like them or in other words the more we tend to incline towards those behaviors. Interestingly, most or all of this happens without purpose or intention. It's an amazing Nature. Enjoy your day and Happy Holidays. Stay Blessed 🎅❤️🙏

  2. It is 100 % true
    It happens always in our
    life in dealing with others !
    Thanks !

  3. Skattar Sandhu
    I agree with you 100 percent not to focus faults and weaknesses of others. Please bless me so that I always focus on virtues of others 🙏🙏

  4. It is natural human behaviour like company fitted software that cannot be uninstalled. However we can try to restrict ourself from using this software..

  5. It happens so bcaz one finds it easy to find and focus on others faults .


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...