Friday, December 30, 2022

Care vs Control

When we care for people, we usually want to control them too.
There is always a subtle control hidden behind any apparent care. 
With every kind of love, some sense of entitlement is also associated with it.
With any care or affection comes a subtle desire to have some control over them.
Parents love and care for their children, but at the same time, they want to control them too. 
Sometimes too much - more than it's required. 

Similarly, elder siblings, teachers, leaders, and executives want to control their younger siblings, students, followers, junior employees, etc. 
They want to control them - because they care for them.
However, there should be a limit - a criterion on what should and should not be controlled. 

There is a difference between caring and controlling. 

Care is an expression of love, while control is an expression of ego.
Care unites - Control divides.
Care builds closeness - Control isolates & creates distance
Care connects - Control disconnects 
Care binds - Control breaks 
Care heals - Control hurts. 
Too much control creates negativity. It turns people away and may even make them rebellious. 

So, keep caring for people but do not try to control them all the time - at least, not more than required.
Because no one likes to be controlled. 
Everyone likes to have some freedom. 
That is the innate nature - the deepest desire of every human being - to achieve liberation - Freedom - Moksha.


  1. A well explained difference between care and control. Thanks heartily ji

  2. Deeply explained
    Thank you sooooo much uncle ji


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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