Monday, December 12, 2022

Kabeer Baani - Maya Muyi Na Man Muaa

              Maya muyi na man muaa mar-mar gaye sareer
              Aasha Trishna naa muyi keh gaye Sant Kabeer

Sant Kabir ji says that the bodies die and perish, 
but the mind does not die, and neither does Maya - the illusion.
The attachment of Maya remains till the end.
Maya is extremely powerful. It takes everyone under its control.
Man's life comes to an end - but hope and longing do not end - they remain till the end of life.
Even after seeing our companions and relatives leave the world empty-handed, we are not able to give up cravings and greed for wealth and power. Till the last moment, we are engaged in collecting more and more money and power.
This process has been going on for ages.

               'Kabeer' so dhan sanchiye, jo aagain koon hoi
               Sees chadhaaye potlee, lay jaat na dekhya koi

To date, no one has seen anyone carrying a bundle of money on his head or carrying it in a bag.
Everything remains here.
That's why Kabir ji says that one should collect such wealth that will be useful in the future.
Good deeds are remembered in the world even after one's departure and are beneficial in the next world or the next life as well.
Therefore, have a sense of humility and love and respect for all.
There should be no malice towards anyone 
There should be no intention of giving sorrow and pain to anyone.
As far as possible, auspicious deeds and good for all should be done.
And always try not to hurt anyone in thoughts, words, or actions.
                                                  "Rajan Sachdeva"


  1. Very truely said Rajan sahib ji keep on blessings ji

  2. Skattar Sandhu
    Kabir ji explanation on maya and man is excellent. You have done a good job simplifying it 🌹🌹

  3. Absolutely true. Why do I still fail to grasp and implement it in my life?


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...