Saturday, December 24, 2022

The Best way to Escape a Problem

Running away from the problems only increases the distance from finding the solution.
The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it.
Usually, we have a tendency to avoid problems as long as we can.
Sometimes we try to resort to a temporary and short-term solution in a hurry - by trying to find a quick fix. 
Quick fixes and short-term solutions might be easy and faster, but they do not last long.

Whether worldly or spiritual - we must try to find the correct answers 
and long-term solutions to all our questions and problems.
Avoiding questions or ignoring doubts can not solve anything.


  1. Absolutely right ji. ЁЯЩП

  2. Thank you for this important advise. Bandaid solution are usually not effective.
    Sanjeev Khullar

  3. Your every blog motivate me


Discussion vs Argument рдЪрд░्рдЪा рдмрдиाрдо рдмрд╣рд╕

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...