Thursday, February 29, 2024

Ye sadee ham ko kahaan lay jaayegi - Where will this era take us?

Ye sadee ham ko kahaan lay jaayegi
Teergee ham ko kahaan  lay jaayegi

Poochhti hain machhliyon say machhliyaan 
Ye nadee ham ko kahaan  lay jaayegi

Jugnuon kay jism say niklee huyi 
Raushani ham ko kahaan lay jaayegi
                " Surendra Shastri "

This century - this era - where will it take us?
This darkness - where will it take us?

Fish asking from the other fish
This river - where will it take us?

Emanating from the fireflies
This light - where will it take us after all?


  1. "Safety saves, costs nothing" seems most appropriate punch line in contemporary times. The way AI is spreading it's wings in every facet of human lives, day isn't far when talk of "standby-your-word" will become yesterday's social norm. However, Awakened souls will tide over crisis.

  2. Dnj R V Jì
    You are right unless we take charge and set our mind to go where we wish to go the time , the era will certainly take us to some uncertain place.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...